Sterling sweatshirt

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Warm, cozy and incredibly comfortable sweatshirts have long and firmly settled in our wardrobes, ceasing to be exclusively an element of sports style. Today, a sweatshirt is a popular option for casual wear, which has many varieties. A sweatshirt is an insulated knitted sweater of a free silhouette with a long sleeve.

How to wear and combine
Sweatshirts and black camouflage sweatpants are a great formula to complete the look. In combination with this ensemble, black sneakers will most harmoniously look.
For fans of brighter and bolder decisions, you can advise using unexpected, contrasting combinations. For example, a camouflage sweatshirt paired with a skirt or shorts will look very impressive. Shoes do not have to be in a sports or military style: graceful boots and high-heeled shoes are suitable for this.
Depending on the type of jeans, the option of a sweatshirt is also selected. For example, elongated designs will suit skinny and skinny jeans. Fashionable ripped jeans are worn with voluminous hoodies, it turns out a great ensemble for a date or a trip to a cafe. Classical democratic denim pants are combined with different types of hoodies; however, you can experiment not only with cut, but also with colors. Even the most colorful and flashy tones will look appropriate if the lower part is monophonic, calm. In the offseason or cool summer, you can wear a sweatshirt with chinos, they are still as popular as before.

Color, material and other details
Sterling sweatshirt  presented in black, sage and heather gray shade.
Garment dyed organic cotton gives a casual, vintage feel.
Shrunken, flattering fit with raglan sleeves.
Main body: 47% cotton, 47% modal, 6% spandex.
Rib trim: 47% cotton, 47% modal, 6% spandex.

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